Club Fashionista
Categories product design, visual design, identity & branding, logo design
Tools Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Club Fashionista is a blogging and eCommerce social media platform focused mainly on fashion, lifestyle, travel, food and beauty. I was hired as the lead designer for their product and their branding. I designed the entire interface for their product, as well as their logo, letterhead, and email template.
Web app
The app has a home page featuring recent blog posts from people the user is following, and a profile page for each user linking to her or his blog posts. The blog posts are linked by thumbnail photos, which are also used as the cover photos for each respective post.
Each blog post has links to inventory that the writer of the post is selling.
The writing template also has a section where users can upload inventory they’re selling that’s relevant to their blog post. For instance, if they blog about a peasant lace skirt, they also have the option of creating a listing to sell that skirt.
The founders of Club Fashionista wanted me to stick with feminine, elegant colors such as periwinkle, violet or sea foam green, since they are predominantly targeting a female audience. I ended up using periwinkle and cream. They said they might eventually want to broaden their audience, so I picked the most gender neutral color combination I could think of within the range of colors they gave me.
Club Fashionista aims to attract women who enjoy combining classic styles with trendy, cutting-edge pieces. To express that, I combined Bodoni, an elegant, classic serif typeface, with Code Pro, a more modern, trendy sans-serif.
I created several different variants of the logo to be used on different colored backgrounds.