I am Ariel Cotton.  I'm an artist, product designer, & maker of interactive things.

I craft beautiful, human-centered interfaces for web and mobile applications. I draw and write comics about life in Berlin and New York City. I even tinker with electronics and make interactive art from time to time.

One hell of a week.

26 April 2013 Categories: Art, Music

This has been the best week I’ve ever had at Cooper Union, as well as the most fulfilled and certain about myself and my future I have felt in a long time. My show opening went swimmingly. I managed to get nearly everything working and installed in time, and tons of people showed up to give me support. I’ll definitely make a blog post devoted to documenting and discussing the show at some point in the near future, once I’ve taken photos and videos. Maybe this weekend.

It’s ironic that this has been such a great week for me, given the horrible events that have recently taken place at Cooper. I really hope that this move to charge tuition doesn’t mean Cooper’s ideology is dying. My idealistic hopes are that it is merely taking a nap, and will eventually return. It’s so depressing to think about.

I’ve spent the past couple of days indulging in well-earned laziness. Well, somewhat. I did go to work and class, but I have barely done any work outside of class. I’m beginning to smooth out the fine details in my site layout, but it’s hard for me to focus with the World Wide Web there to distract me. I definitely need a breather after this past year, particularly the past month and a half, what with the Trinity competition and my senior show. I’m so grateful that I have a trip to Italy to look forward to in mid-May.

In other news, I’ve been going through one of my Beatles kicks these days. This one was mainly prompted by my long-overdue discovery of the Beatles Anthology. Check out these takes of “Strawberry Fields Forever.” The first one is so trippy and haunting. Everyone go check out the Beatles Anthology, y’all.

I would update more, but I’m passing the fuck out here. As I said, stay tuned for a post on my show this weekend or something.

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